Thank you for your interest in research.

Taking part in research means you are helping the NHS discover better ways to prevent, diagnose and manage a range of health conditions including long COVID, diabetes, heart, lung and kidney diseases.

Anyone over the age of 18 can register with Research for the Future to hear about opportunities to take part. Read more about our work .

If you have any difficulty completing this form please contact us.

Fields marked with * are mandatory


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Communication needs
Communication support required

Your health

This can be found on your prescription or a letter from the NHS

Examples of a test are: PCR swab, or lateral flow

Have you ever tested positive for Covid-19?
Was your test more that 12 weeks ago?
Have you fully recovered?
Have you received at least one dose of a vaccine for Covid-19?
I have

Please complete the diabetes section below

Please complete the respiratory disease section below
Type of respiratory disease

Includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema

Do you currently smoke tobacco?
Do you currently vape or use e-cigarettes?
Do you have allergies?
Type of allergies

Includes hayfever, rhinitis, pets, house dust mite, moulds

Includes cosmetics, eczema, nickel, dye, sun, urticarial

Includes any food, milk, egg, nut, wheat

Please complete the heart disease section below
Type of heart disease
I have also had

Includes bypass, graft, valve replacement

I take medication for high blood pressure
I take medication for high cholesterol
I have a parent or sibling with heart disease

Please complete the kidney disease section below
What type of kidney problem do you have now?
  • Reduced kidney function over time. Categorised according to kidney function (eGFR) and amount of protein in urine

  • Sudden loss of kidney function and damage

What is the cause of your kidney problem?

Kidney inflammation due to infection or autoimmune condition

I confirm

If you have any problems completing this form please contact us or telephone 0161 206 3636.
